
zaterdag 23 februari 2013

Jakarta craziness

Let us dare to test God’s resources…
Let us ask Him to kindle in us and keep aflame that passion for the impossible
that shall make us delight in it with Him,
till the day when we shall see it transformed into a fact.

Stuck by these words I look back on my first week in Jakarta. I am sitting on the roof of my new home, enjoying the airflow in a this hot city.

It’s a new season! After coming back from Jakarta last Christmas I knew that Jakarta was my next step to take. A time of preparing, period of transition, wrapping up my live in Bandung and goodbyes followed. It was a weird realization that (almost) all of my belongings fit in 1 car. Realizing that I got a ‘real’ job for the first time in my life, making the switch from language learning into this new step of being involved in that where my heart is beating for.

You have to understand for me as a girl from a village in the Netherlands with ‘only’ 50.000 inhabitants, Jakarta feels pretty overwhelming. And eventhough in the last year and a half I got used to live in the 7 million city Bandung, still Bandung feels like a dot on the map in comparing to Jakarta.

Just to give you a picture of the daily craziness that is surrounding me. Here some facts:

Jakarta fits 51 times in the Netherlands, size wise.

Jakarta counts 13 million people, and the Netherlands 16,5 million…

You can do the math yourself ;)

This week walking down the streets I feel like an ant, it seems that the city is swallowing me, and its buildings are big giant ugly monsters that stare down at me. And in the midst of it rich and poor live and exist right next to each other. The difference between rich and poor here is so big, that I can’t wrap my head around it and I wonder how to bridge. I try but it’s too much. Being rich here means you live in more wealth than the queen of the Netherlands, and when your poor your daily income is barely enough to feed your family, not even 1 euro a day. Think about it what you can buy for 1 euro in Holland.. even though things here are cheaper. But take in into your context. And think you and your family had to eat from that, pay the rent for the house in the slum and send your children to school…

And where I am at a place where I can enjoy the luxury of AC, still my body has a hard time adjusting to the heat. In hot days it can rise above 40 degrees. Not that it’s all from the sun, but the pollution adds up. On some days you can see the smog hanging in the sky, like a fog over the city. Yuk, realizing that that is what I breath in every second of the day…

..But I am still able to pull myself back, but how many of these beautiful people are wandering down the streets, nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, not knowing that they have the freedom to decide to not run into the arms of their abusive boyfriend. Working hard for a less than scratch and living in an inheritance of hopelessness.

Yet in all the giants I face, in my adjustments, in my work, in my personal struggles. Those giants who like to scream: WE ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO DEFEAT and in the midst of what I call ‘Jakarta craziness’: I have faith, I believe, and I know that it only takes the size of a mustard seed…